
IoT enabled Stack Emission Monitoring

IoT enabled Stack Emission Monitoring

Protect Water with IoT

Only 32% in the world consume water from a protected source while more than half (51%) consume water from a centralized system to a dwelling or a plot. Using of IoT to continuously monitor the water quality standards to make the water we drink better.

Monitoring Ambient Air Quality with IoT

The quality of air that we breathe is deteriorating day by day. We enable IoT, to track air quality and identify the source of pollution. Our smart Ambient Air Quality Sensors can monitor the air quality and alerts on hazardous levels. Challenges involved in making a cleaner air are many. But through IoT, a lot can be conquered and future generation could breathe better air.

Environmental Sustainability

IoT for Environmental Sustainability to make a world a better place

Power of making renewable energy solutions cheaper and efficient. Cleaner energy is now ever more reliable

We power IoT to facilitate sustainable and environmental projects


As per recent reports, by 2020 over 380 million smart cars are expected to be on the road and by integrating IoT into the Automotive Testing Products, Periodic Vehicle Inspection and monitoring of vehicle health is effortless

Internet of Things is already making its waves in every sphere of this planet. From homes to large scale industries, this phenomenon called IoT has triggered the next digital revolution.  

Focused on continuous innovation and anticipating customer needs, Navitsa Digital Business Services novel and enhance processes help our customers to bridge the gap between their digital transformation strategies and actual executions with the use of Artificial Intelligence from machines, products, customers, and partners.